I am setting up views loading civicrm events and loaded the uid of user, and wanted to match the UID with the event he/she is registered from,
in views, I can not connect to participants through anywhere, when I tried loading relations ships :
<select class="ctools-master-dependent form-select ctools-dependent-processed" id="edit-group" name="group">
<option value="all">- All -</option>
<option value="civicrm-custom--contact-person">CiviCRM Custom: Contact Person</option>
<option value="civicrm-custom--moderator">CiviCRM Custom: Moderator</option>
<option value="civicrm-custom--panelist">CiviCRM Custom: Panelist</option>
<option value="civicrm-custom--workgroup">CiviCRM Custom: Workgroup</option>
<option value="civicrm-events">CiviCRM Events</option><option value="civicrm-phone-details">CiviCRM Phone Details</option>
<option value="civicrm-price-set-entities">CiviCRM Price Set Entities</option></select>
I tried using the civicrm phone details but when connecting the civicrm participants its not loading anything
anywhere to connect it?
thank you