Question 1. Should one be able to click on a token and put it into a template? In my case, it shows Tokens.
Answer: Yes. Seems to be disabled in 4.7.15
Question 2. What is the token syntax if you were able to click on one in the token dropdown? I need the address, so I assumed {address.street_name}, but this does not work nor does {$address.street_name}.
{capture assign=address_line_2} {contact.supplemental_address_1} {/capture}
{capture assign=address_line_3} {contact.supplemental_address_2} {/capture}
{capture assign=address_suffix} {contact.postal_code_suffix} {/capture}
{capture assign=line_2_size} {$address_line_1|count_characters:false} {/capture}
{capture assign=line_3_size} {$address_line_2|count_characters:false} {/capture}
{capture assign=suffix_size} {$address_suffix|count_characters:false} {/capture}
{capture assign=casem_member_address}
{if $line_2_size GT 0}
{if $line_3_size GT 0}
{}, {contact.state_province}<br/>
{if $suffix_size GT 0}
The supplemental address lines and the postal code suffix are null by default and causes a fatal error in Smarty. (The spinning symbol) However, the above code gets around it.
Question 3. Why does {$membershipStatus} show the previous status instead of the current one? Is there another token for the current status?
Answer: $contribution_status_id does show the correct value for renewals
Question 4. {$cancelled} does not follow the Membership status of cancelled. What does it represent?
lines 1593 to 1603
$cancelled = TRUE;
if ($membership->end_date) {
//display end date w/ status message.
$endDate = $membership->end_date;
if (!in_array($membership->status_id, array(
// CRM-15475
array_search('Cancelled', CRM_Member_PseudoConstant::membershipStatus(NULL, " name = 'Cancelled' ", 'name', FALSE, TRUE)),
array_search('Expired', CRM_Member_PseudoConstant::membershipStatus()),
) {
$cancelled = FALSE;
// suppress form values in template.
$this->assign('cancelled', $cancelled);
Likely the answer has to do with the fix for CRM-15475.
Question 5. Does anyone else feel that the text-area provided for editing is a little too small? A Message Preview option would be so helpful.
Answer: Alas in the WordPress version, only certain pages are using the chkeditor boxes which can be expanded by the user. I guess they have not propogated these boxes into the Message Edit pages.