CiviCRM for WordPress 4.7.15
Problem: Fix the Email Greeting, so it takes advantage of the preferred language and gender fields. I took a look at:
The page to edit the Email Greeting is hidden under Administration/System Settings/Option Groups - Email Type Greeting Options
I came up with the following which works nicely when used in a Smarty Message Template.
{capture assign=l}{contact.preferred_language}{/capture}
{capture assign=g}{contact.gender}{/capture}
{if $l="en_CA"}Dear{else}{if $g="Male"}Cher{else}Chère{/if}{/if} {contact.first_name} {contact.last_name}
To test it, one selects the new Email Greeting from the drop down on the Contacts Summary page in the Communication Preferences section. Then clicks Save. At this point, the CiviCRM says.
Any suggestions? I'm considering adding 3 Greetings and updating all 2697 records via SQL.