I frequently send emails to a large mailing list. In this mailing list there a roughly two categories of contacts: 1) members 2) non members
Ideally all would receive the same email, but I'd like to include a block/message ("the block") in the email for non members that encourages them to either renew their membership or sign up for membership.
I currently use mailchimp to design my emails. If I were to create "the block" in mailchimp, I'd have to create a second version of the mail that doesn't include "the block" and split my mailing list in two parts so that everyone receives what I want them to receive. To me this sounds like a sub optimal solution and one that is prone to go wrong at some point.
Would it be possible to optimise this using CiviCRM? I know that Civi currently copies my organisations address details at the end of each email. Would it be possible to create a block such as described above that Civi automatically inserts in emails to non-members, but leaves out in emails to members without having to send multiple emails?
If so, is it possible to make such a block look nice? (Currently the address details that Civi inserts look really bare). My website is a drupal website.
Thanks in advance for your help. I'm also open to any other suggestions you might have!