I run a large non-profit dog registration system. One of the functions is to require all dogs to be registered with us for this particular sport.
The way I have it now, I have set up individual contacts and added custom, multiple entry custom fields. Individuals need to purchase a dog registration. I'm struggling with this setup since if the individual already has a dog registered, that dog info pops up in the form rather than it being blank. The only way I can see charging for registration of dogs in this manner is through CiviContribute. I would like: 1. Member accesses page to add a dog 2. Member enters dog info 3. Member enters payment info (I'm using iATS payment gateway) 4. On successful payment, the registration is completed.
Did I shoot myself in the foot by making these multiple custom fields under an individual? I had heard some suggestions where the dogs should be a sub-class of an individual and then use a membership status to charge for them? The issue with this is that there are way more fields then needed for a dog - how do I restrict which fields are visible on the backend for this type?
I'm looking for discussion and suggestions on this. Any help is much appreciated.