This is a new install CiviCRM 4.7.29 on Joomla! 3.8.3 on Hostgator Shared. The Cron File is returning a 404 Error message. I can access the file itself when I run it from the Cpanel but somehow it is returning this error.

I changed the permissions on the Bin folder and cron.php (755,755) as was suggested in another post but still no success.

I created a specific user/group with the suggested permission just for the cron job. But now I'm testing with the Super Admin.

Any help is appreciated. Thanks

Update: I commented out: 'ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', '0');' in joomla.php file which fixed the error and the Cron Job is now working. (as posted here) However. I'm not sure how this change might affect other functions in Joomla.

  • I started having a different error: Warning: ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session module's ini settings at this time in ... Nothing has changed but now I have this error Commented Jan 30, 2018 at 15:28

1 Answer 1


I commented out: 'ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', '0');' in joomla.php file which fixed the error and the Cron Job is now working. (as posted here) However. I'm not sure how this change might affect other functions in Joomla.

  • If anyone is still having this problem with cron.php (not cli.php) and getting either Error: Failed to start application: Failed to start the session because headers have already been sent by "yoursite/libraries/joomla/session/handler/joomla.php" OR Warning: ini_set(): A session is active. You cannot change the session could you please test this Joomla patch?: issues.joomla.org/tracker/joomla-cms/21260. Just one more human test is required and then we might finally get this issue fixed! docs.joomla.org/Testing_Joomla!_patches#Recording_test_results Commented May 15, 2019 at 1:01

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