This is a new install CiviCRM 4.7.29 on Joomla! 3.8.3 on Hostgator Shared. The Cron File is returning a 404 Error message. I can access the file itself when I run it from the Cpanel but somehow it is returning this error.
I changed the permissions on the Bin folder and cron.php (755,755) as was suggested in another post but still no success.
I created a specific user/group with the suggested permission just for the cron job. But now I'm testing with the Super Admin.
Any help is appreciated. Thanks
Update: I commented out: 'ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', '0');' in joomla.php file which fixed the error and the Cron Job is now working. (as posted here) However. I'm not sure how this change might affect other functions in Joomla.