I had a scheduled mailing set to run today at at 8am. When I look at the list of people who received the email, more were sent the email than were in the SmartGroup mailing list.

The SmartGroup had a 136 contacts, but the mailing was sent to 170 contacts.

This is in civiCRM 5.14.1. under Joomla 3.9.8. I have my Rebuild Smart Group Cache scheduled job set to run every time cron runs and Update Membership Statuses scheduled job set to run Daily

Here's a video explaining this in more detail:


Note I didn't verbally mention it in the video, but at 1:05:12 you can see that the Recipients included only the single SmartGroup.

Can any shed some light on how this could happen?

I created the smart group using the Search Builder, and here are the filters:

enter image description here

  • Your video doesn't show the criteria for the smart group. Could you add a screenshot? In particular, is the smart group built using Search Builder? Jun 28, 2019 at 17:12
  • I used Search Builder, and I've added screen shot above.
    – A. Block
    Jul 4, 2019 at 13:01
  • Try upgrading to Civi 5.15.0? I worked on what I believe is a similar bug in Search Builder last month and it's likely to be fixed now. Jul 5, 2019 at 18:46


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