Relevant set-up information:
- Hosting: Bluehost Shared Hosting
- CMS: WordPress
- CiviCRM version: 5.25.0
Here's what works:
- Sending email from via "Contacts > New Mail"
- Sending a test mail from "Settings - Outbound Mail"
- Sending a test mail from a mailing in CiviMail under "Define Mailing" from the Preview pane
Here's what doesn't work:
- Sending a scheduled mail via CiviMail's "Review and Schedule", neither in "Send Immediately" nor "Send at:";
- Going to Schedule Jobs and hitting Execute Now for Sending Mail;
Now I'm told by the system that Cron jobs are not set up, though I have put one in CPANEL.
Here is my CRON command that is running every 5 minutes:
wget -O - -q -t 1 'https://<domain>/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/bin/cron.php?name=<username>&pass=<password>&key=<sitekey>&job=execute'
The "username" is an Administrator.
Tech support says my Cron jobs are running. "Scheduled Jobs Log> Send Scheduled Mailings" states that jobs are getting kicked off
Entity: job Action: process_mailing
Finished execution of "Send Scheduled Mailings" with result: Success (a:1:{s:9:"processed";i:0;})
Parameters parsed (and passed to API method):
Full message:
Finished execution of Send Scheduled Mailings with result: Success (a:1:{s:9:"processed";i:0;})
Despite all this, no mails are showing up in the test groups inboxes.
Is it my Cron job settings? If so, has anyone been able to set up cron jobs effectively in CPANEL for CiviCRM?