I'm running CiviCRM 5.32.0 on WordPress 5.6 hosted by Hostinger.
1st step I test cv.phar = php /xzy/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/bin/cv.phar api Job.process_mailing --user=abcd --cwd=/xyz
2nd step I test a script using that command with the same result OK = bash civicron_2.sh { "is_error": 0, "version": 3, "count": 1, "id": "processed", "values": { "processed": 0 } }
3nd step, I created the cron rule in Hostinger panel (every 30 minutes) = 0,30 * * * * /usr/bin/php /xyz/abcd/civicron_2.sh
But finaly CiviCRM UI says : "no cron job is running" and the only way I succed to run Job is manually on the CiviCRM UI.
I need advice to go further. BR hervé