I'm considering using Drupal's simplenews module for sending (most of) my email newsletters, rather than civiMail. Are there any disadvantages to doing this?
The background is:
- Drupal 8 and civi 4.7 (when I go live later this year)
- Mandrill to power the actual email sending
- All newsletters will contain a single news item, not a collection of multiple items
- I want email to be sent when the news is available, not weekly or monthly
- I want my news creators to be able to have the simplicity of just creating an article and giving it a tag, without having to worry about enews complexities.
- I want my news items to appear prominently on the website
- I want various other bits of content to automatically appear in the email (coming events etc).
Given this, it seems to me that what I'm doing is basically automating the emailing of a Drupal content item (rather than creating a bespoke newsletter), and so it's better to use simplenews for this.
The only disadvantages I can see are:
- if I want to show, edit or automate the subscriptions in Civi, I'll have to create groups and use Drupal Rules to sync the civi groups to the simplenews subscription preferences.
- If I want civi and simplenews to update each other with knowledge about changed email addresses etc., I may have to use Rules for that also.
- I probably won't be able to personalise emails with tokens based on civi information about the contact. (which I don't mind)
Are there any other disadvantages to using a simplenews & Mandrill setup in this way? Any reasons to prefer civiMail? Do I seem to be thinking about this right?
thanks for your thoughts,