Getting the following error: Finished execution of Process Inbound Emails with result: Failure, Error message: Could not connect to MailStore for [email protected]@Error message: An error occured while sending or receiving mail. Failed to connect to the server: :995.

This is what the log reads: Parameters parsed (and passed to API method): a:1:{s:7:"version";i:3;}

Full message: Finished execution of Process Inbound Emails with result: Failure, Error message: Could not connect to MailStore for [email protected]@ Error message:

An error occured while sending or receiving mail. Failed to connect to the server: :995.

I tested the Send Mail and got: Mail Sent Sending test email: From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Your SMTP settings are correct. A test email has been sent to your email address.

2 Answers 2


It sounds as though outbound email (SMTP) is configured correctly but inbound email may not be. This could be due to incorrect inbound email settings in CiviCRM or a complication such as two-factor authentication on your email account. These resources may help to pin it down:


Based upon davejenx statements I examined the mail settings and changed from POP3 to maildir and it solved the issues. Thanks you for the help!

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