I believe we have a bug when search criteria includes a checkbox or multi-select fields (it may include other fields). I created a ticket: https://issues.civicrm.org/jira/browse/CRM-16947
- Create a multiselect custom field (or checkbox text)
- Search in advanced search and fails to pickup record
- Search in "find grant" and fails pickup record
That's all I've tested but it fail be elsewhere too.
Works in API and search builder.
I reproduced on the wordpress demo site (Contact-"Omar Barkley" custom field-"test contact") I Couldn't find a specific issue on Jira.
If it were only for contacts, I could use the search builder (which works) but This is for a grant. Need a select/checkbox for completing parts of a grant (status won't work.)
Has anyone else encountered this and/or resolved it?