I'm on Civi 5.50.1 on two different sites and should really upgrade. As Civi gets more complex, my fear of upgrading goes up. Seems like more problems every time. Anyway, problem right off the bat. It won't let me download 5.71.1-wordpress.zip. It starts the download and just sits there. 5.71.0 downloads just fine.
UPDATE: I upgraded to 5.71.0. It went fine, but I can't send email blasts now. CiviMail Components Settings is showing an error: Line 37: echo smarty_function_help(array('id'=>$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['fieldSpec']->value['help']['id'],'file'=>$_smarty_tpl->tpl_vars['fieldSpec']->value['help']['file']),$_smarty_tpl);
Thanks for any help...