I have set up a donation page linked to Paypal. (https://contacts.network211.com/civicrm/contribute/transact?reset=1&id=6)
- When I attempt to use the contribution form as a non-logged in user, I enter my donation amount and email address. When I hit Confirm Contribution, the system returns to the contribution form with all fields empty. No error message or indication of what is going on.
- The contribution works if I am logged into civi as an authenticated user.
- I am not asking the user for any additional information, ie. not using a profile
- The form is set as active/online
- Under drupal permissions, I have CiviContribute: make online contributions selected
- I have looked in both Drupal and Civi logs and don't see anything that seems to point to the problem.
This is very frustrating!
(I asked the same question earlier with no resolution. How to allow contributions from non-members This link also yields no answers Why can't anonymous users make contributions?)