I'm having an issue with CiviMail. When the cron runs to send the scheduled mail it only sends 30 emails at a time. I have it set up to send through Office365 SMTP Relay, so its not the 30 messages a minute limit that Office365 has. I have the batch limit set to unlimited, so its not that either.
I can't find anything in the files that would be limiting it to only 30 messages per cron run.
My mailing list has about 5000 people in it, and I need to be able to send them all quickly. At 30 a minute it takes 3 hours, which isn't going to work. I even set up my cron to run every 20 secs to speed it up to an hour for all the messages. I can speed it up even more if I lower the time between runs, but I shouldn't have to. I should be able to either send them all to Office365 or in large batches and have them send quicker than it is allowing me too.
Any ideas?