I have been trying to work out how to create a Drupal View to allow end users to select an Organisation and then it displays Contacts given a specific relationship type. eg Select Employer Name (Organisation) - display Employees of Employer Relationship is the built-in Employer of / Employee Of
So far I have created a view with CiviCRM:Contact type and added a few fields, but the only 'relationship' details i can retrieve that is close for the 'employees' side of things is "CiviCRM Relationships: Contact ID B (Contact ID B)". I dont see to have or can find a method to display Contact B's Display Name
Example - Selected organisation is Contact 'A' ID 203 'K&N Brass' and has a relationship to Contact 'B' who's ID=202
Contact ID Display Name Relationship Type A-to-B Contact ID B
203 K&N Brass Band includes member 202
Drupal 7.43 CiviCrm 4.7.7 Views: 7.x-3.13