Joomla 3.5.1 - Civicrm 4.7.8
I have created a Contribution page (plus a profile with some custom data in it) and wanted to give option to pay later. However, the Pay Later option is not showing on front end whilst the Paypal option is displayed. However, if I remove the option to use Paypal, then the pay later option appears (though with a permanent x in box which cannot be unselected).
I have attempted to replicate on demo site (which is older version - 4.6) and when I choose pay later option it does not display on front end either. However, I cannot remove option to pay by paypal (sandbox) as that breaks the page. So cannot see if pay later would show without paypal.
So, 2 problems 1) pay later not showing with paypal option available -
2) Permanent x in box of pay later when it can be seen on the front end after removing paypal option.
I think this may be a bug but not certain. Wanted advise first.