I am using Simple Donate version 1.2 I am trying to integrate 'simple donate' extension for drupal page and/or block.
I have tried it by initializing civicrm in custom block. CiviCRM is getting initialized properly.
I have jut tried to load /partials/simpledonate.html file using code in following file: com.webaccessglobal.simpledonate-1.2/js/simpledonate.js
$routeProvider.when('/donation', {
templateUrl: resourceUrl + '/partials/simpledonate.html',
controller: 'SimpleDonationCtrl'
if the URL is '/donation' then it will load /partials/simpledonate.html But it is not working.
Can anyone put the idea i.e. how to load CiviCRM extension in drupal block or page?
Any idea is appreciable..