I just installed CiviCRM for the first time on a test Wordpress installation for checking out CiviCRM. I followed the instructions at https://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRMDOC/Installing+CiviCRM+for+WordPress and used civicrm-4.7.10-wordpress.zip. For some reason, when running: http://{wordpress install directory}/wp-admin/options-general.php?page=civicrm-install, the database part of the form is populated with the Wordpress database. I created a clean, empty MySQL database and tried to enter it. When I pressed the Check Requirements button, it replaced the database name with my Wordpress database name. Everything works, but I really wanted to have the Wordpress tables and CiviCRM tables in separate databases for future site management. Is there a way, after the fact, to point to the database I want? I can easily export the CiviCRM tables and import them into the clean database.
Thanks for any help here and sorry if this is simple - this is my first day working with CiviCRM.