We've got some contacts in a search result. Selecting all or checking "All x contacts" and choosing "Email - send now (to 50 or less)" leads to the email screen stating that three of the contacts won't receive the mail. But all of the possible reasons (is_deceased, do_not_email, ...) aren't true. The db says:
select do_not_email, is_deceased, is_opt_out from civicrm_contact where id = x;
| do_not_email | is_deceased | is_opt_out |
| 0 | 0 | 0 |
select email, is_primary, on_hold from civicrm_email where contact_id = x;
| email | is_primary | on_hold |
| [email protected] | 1 | 0 |
The contacts in question are able to receive emails if triggered by »send email«-action in contact's summary and even when selected in the result's list. The problem occurs only when sending to bunch of contacts.
Their email addresses seem valid and do not contain crazy chars.
I just can't find any reason why civi sorts such contacts out. I've read
- Why are contacts not receiving emails when do not email not checked? and
- Which contacts in a mailing group are NOT recipients of a mass mailing?
But nothing helped. Any ideas?