When I try to "Install from folder" (CiviCRM 4.7.15) on Joomla (3.6.5) I get the error "Site can't be reached." I've tried the troubleshooting tips listed here: https://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRMDOC/Installing+CiviCRM+for+Joomla#InstallingCiviCRMforJoomla-5.Trouble-shootingResources
But to no avail! I've also noticed that if I have my FTP client open and connected to my server, it gets disconnected at the exact same time that the install fails (about two minutes into the process). I then usually have com_civicrm folders in my Components and Admini/Components folders and a civicrm folder in my media folder, and one time I had civicrm in my plugins folder and it was working, but because I didn't get a confirmation screen I tried to reinstall properly and now nothing works!
Thanks for any help! John