If you moved CiviCRM to a different server, make sure you follow the instructions in section #9 here: https://wiki.civicrm.org/confluence/display/CRMDOC/Moving+an+Existing+Installation+to+a+New+Server+or+Location.
Delete the following files:
Important Note: Please make an off-site backup of the following before you delete them, incase something goes wrong, such as incase you delete the wrong directory or in case you would still like to look at the log files.
i.e. everything inside templates_c, not the directory itself (cached
versions of Smarty templates that will be rebuilt)
- /sites/default/files/civicrm/ConfigAndLog/Config.IDS.ini
- /sites/default/files/civicrm/ConfigAndLog/* (Everything inside this directory; You can
clear all the logs if you get an error about parsing XML)
- /cache/* (Everything inside this directory. Only if you get errors
after clearing the caches via the GUI) (See
http:///civicrm/admin/setting/path?reset=1 for location
of custom extension folder)
- /media/civicrm/templates_c/* (everything inside templates_c)
- /media/civicrm//civicrm/ConfigAndLog/Config.IDS.ini Be
Careful If you have edited the IDS ini file to add any custom
exclusions then you need to edit the settings for the three paths in
the file, filter_path, tmp_path, HTML_Purifier_Cache.
If these paths are not accessible Civi pages will display blank.
- /wp-content/plugins/files/civicrm/templates_c/* (everything inside templates_c)
- /wp-content/plugins/files/civicrm/ConfigAndLog/Config.IDS.ini