On Drupal 7.52 and CiviCRM 4.7.13
Recently I discovered Civicrm couldn't connect to MySQL. This wonderful error popped up when registering someone for an event:
DB Error: no database selected
Checking the SQL log I see the following over and over
Couldn't repair table: civicrm.log_civicrm_status_pref
How do I get rid of the problem? MySQL seems unhappy at start up when it says
1:55:43 UTC - mysqld got signal 11 ;
Followed by a bunch of mundane stuff, none appearing error related then
Some pointers may be invalid and cause the dump to abort.
Query (7fc4005eff10): is an invalid pointer
Connection ID (thread ID): 9
I've heard that if I drop the table civicrm.log_civicrm_status_pref this will fix the problem. Really? Is there anything else I should know? Is it really as simple as
SELECT civicrm
DROP TABLE civicrm.log_civicrm_status_pref
Then the world returns to normal?
What if I think MySQL is pooched and I want to re-install it. Will I then find a database server with no databases? Thanks for any help the community can provide. Until now CiviCRM has been running great. This is the only serious problem I've had with it but it seems to be quite a problem. I've tried recovering from backup. No go. Same error.