I am trying to limit access to reports using acl/groups as mentioned in the userguide :
However, the field to set this does not appear.
Is there something i have to configure to make this appear? Or does this functionality no longer exist?
If relevant I am already using acl for controlling access to custom data sets.
Running civicrm 4.7.17 on wordpress 4.7.3 using php 7.0.15
looking through the code it seems that the following code (found in /wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/CRM/Report/Form/instance.php) is causing it not to appear:
if (function_exists('user_roles')) {
$user_roles_array = user_roles();
foreach ($user_roles_array as $key => $value) {
$user_roles[$value] = $value;
$grouprole = &$form->addElement('advmultiselect',
ts('ACL Group/Role'),
'size' => 5,
'style' => 'width:240px',
'class' => 'advmultiselect',
$grouprole->setButtonAttributes('add', array('value' => ts('Add >>')));
$grouprole->setButtonAttributes('remove', array('value' => ts('<< Remove')));
For some reason the 'user_roles' function does not exist.
So when the below code is run (found in /wp-content/uploads/civicrm/templates_c/en_US/%%48/48E/48E22AAC%%Instance.tpl.php) the php returns nothing:
<tr class="crm-report-instanceForm-form-block-role">
<td class="report-label" width="20%"><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['form']['grouprole']['label']; ?>
<td><?php echo ((is_array($_tmp=$this->_tpl_vars['form']['grouprole']['html'])) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('crmAddClass', true, $_tmp, 'huge') : smarty_modifier_crmAddClass($_tmp, 'huge')); ?>
looking a little higher in instance.php it looks like this might not be for wordpress even though this section still runs:
if ($config->userFramework != 'Joomla' ||
$config->userFramework != 'WordPress'
still unsure of why 'grouprole' doesnt exist for the other code though:
<tr class="crm-report-instanceForm-form-block-role">
<td class="report-label" width="20%"><?php echo $this->_tpl_vars['form']['grouprole']['label']; ?>
<td><?php echo ((is_array($_tmp=$this->_tpl_vars['form']['grouprole']['html'])) ? $this->_run_mod_handler('crmAddClass', true, $_tmp, 'huge') : smarty_modifier_crmAddClass($_tmp, 'huge')); ?>