I've written quite a few extensions that need a way to fetch data from the web. Sometimes I've used file_get_contents sometimes cURL, other times I've sucked in (geddit!) Guzzle. Each of those has it's own requirements.

Just want to check that CiviCRM does not offer a service/wrapper for this that knows what is available? What's recommended?


2 Answers 2


CiviCRM core has bundled in Guzzle for a few years now (this was an old issue that got highlighted just now) - so Guzzle is the recommended approach


EDIT: See Eileen's updated answer above, this is now outdated.

As of 2021 CiviCRM bundles Guzzle!

I'm unsure what's recommended, but there are several patterns (at least) through the codebase:

  • I downvoted this because it was the right answer at the time but 2021 !== 2018
    – eileen
    Commented Aug 12, 2021 at 7:20

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