Up until recently, the cron job I had set up was running correctly and the Scheduled Jobs were being run. However, since I upgraded (currently running 4.7.21) I am now getting an error message that the cron job isn't running. I made no changes to the cron job. BUT when I check the log, it says the job has been run although it doesn't appear that the task was done. I have Joomla 3.7.4.
The Error message is System Status: Warning Performance warning: Missing indices Cron Not Running Remote Profiles Enabled
The log says Entity: Job Action: process_membership Summary Finished execution of Update Membership Statuses with result: Success (Processed 159 membership records. Updated 0 records.)
Details Parameters parsed (and passed to API method): a:1:{s:7:"version";i:3;}
Full message: Finished execution of Update Membership Statuses with result: Success (Processed 159 membership records. Updated 0 records.)
The cron is -
curl -s 'https://ashguild.ca/home/administrator/components/com_civicrm/civicrm/bin/cron.php?name=weaverfran&pass=#####&key=#####’