Website is running 4.7.25 over Drupal. I was able to replicate this on this demo site, which is running at version 4.7.28, as well:
Here are the steps to take to replicate the issue:
- Selected Search Builder
- Set extensive search criteria (like 12 of them)
- Set Select Records: to 'all'
- Select Export Contacts Action
- Search Builder Export Options (Step 2 of 3):
- Select Fields to Export checked
- Used Saved Field Mapping (note that I get the same problem regardless of my choice here)-- there were 17 fields in my map
- All other left at their default
- Clicked Continue
- Select Fields to Export (Step 3 of 3)
- Left at defaults
- Clicked Export
- Opened resulting downloaded csv.
- Columns were NOT as mapped; they seemed to be the fields shown on the search results, rather than what I had in field map.
I have several screen shots, but (sorry) cannot see how to post them here.
My workaround will be to select Primary Fields (80 fields) in the Export dialog, and just use the 17 columns I want in the resulting .csv. But, it would be cleaner/simpler for using in any automated processes if this worked correctly, so I thought I'd submit it if it's truly a bug. Unless someone here can point me to what I'm doing wrong?