UPDATED 1/16/2018 See screenshot. This is an example of what I am trying to import. This is the same person. The only difference is the notes. How can I import this without creating 4 duplicates?
****End Update****
I am still unable to resolve this issue. Is there anyone else who has imported contacts who do not have email addresses?
We are using Civi 4.7.29 on WordPress 4.9.1
We have a whole spread sheet of contacts who do not have email addresses and I am trying to import them into Civi. The names, addresses and postal codes for individual contacts match, but the Notes are different and that is is why I need to import them, so the notes are added to their Civi profiles
I created a new general Dedupe rules with First Name Weight = 10, Last Name weight = 10, Postal Code Weight = 10. The idea is if the First Name, Last Name and Postal Code don't match, create a new profile. If they do match, just update the current profile. However every time I try this, it just continues duplicating every single person for each note they have. For example if they have 3 notes on their profile, there will be 3 duplicates for that person.
I tried adding the street address and other fields to the dedupe rule, and still got the same exact results. It appears that unless they have an email address it will deplicate the record, and will ignore all other dedupe rules. I was able to perform this same task with no problems with our contacts who do have email addresses.
Can anyone suggest a dedupe rule setting I should try for this task of importing people and their notes, when the contact does not have an email address?
Thank you.
UPDATE I visited the demo site at https://demo.circle-interactive.co.uk/ and ran some tests and got the same results as I described above. The screenshot shows my dedupe settings.