*****UPDATE ADDED 1/22/18-Additonal Settings from Civicrm.settings.php
// Additional settings generated by installer:
$civicrm_paths['wp.frontend.base']['url'] = 'https://secure.blank.org/'; $civicrm_paths['wp.backend.base']['url'] = 'https://secure.blank.org/wp-admin/'; $civicrm_setting['URL Preferences']['userFrameworkResourceURL'] = 'https://secure.blank.org/wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm';
*****UPDATE ADDED 1/22/18-
Please see the screenshot below. Could this be the problem? There is not a /secure/ subdirectory.
The paths should be:
I am not seeing where to change this in civicrm.settings.php. Is there another file where this is set?
****END UPDATE****
We are using Civi 4.7.29 on WordPress 4.9.1
When creating a new mailing in CiviMail, I will select the template and it will be displayed differently in the HTML editor than it should be. The preview show it correctly. Please see the screen shots below. I am thinking it is either a paths issue or a permissions issue. Has this happened to anyone else? Does anyone have any idea where I can start with resolving it?
These are the ERRORs being shown Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) /wp-content/plugins/civicrm/civicrm/extern/open.php?q= /secure/wp-content/uploads/civicrm/persist/crm-ckeditor-default.js?t=G87D Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)
What should the permissions be for these two files? My open.php is 664 My crm-ckeditor-default.js is 644.