We have wordpress 4.9.4 and civi volunteer 4.7.21-2.2.3
When someone makes a contribution or joins as a member, we get a missing table database error (from the error log): Table 'vahcrm.civicrm_value_volunteer_commendation_7' doesn't exist
This error occurs after the transaction goes through and civi tries to update the database and the user gets the error: Failed to update contribution in database
When we try to renew a membership, we get (from the error log): Table 'vahcrm.civicrm_value_civivolunteer_5' doesn't exist
A little background....I'm a volunteer for a non-profit. The previous web/civi admin person moved everything to a new site, broke the site into a multi-site configuration without fully setting everything up, and then quit. I came to the civi problems having only heard the word civi before. I would appreciate ANY help I can get to figure this out.
How do I go about finding and fixing this problem?