I'm wanting to keep track of event attendance and in particular to distinguish between those who let us know at the last minute from the complete no-shows. With earlier cancellations I can use the "cancelled" status, which will trigger an offer on the wait-list, but I'm concerned that if I set someone to "cancelled" after the event that it will still offer a place to someone on the wait-list which would be wrong. I can't see anything that stops registration after the date of the event and I presume that this means the wait-list would behave the same.
It would be good to know the default behavior before I explore a few work rounds. I can see a few ways round this:
a) set the online registration to explicitly stop on the day of the event (but would still need to check this would apply to the wait-list
b) explicitly disable the event booking before recording the attenance information
c) creating a new status of "Apologised" for late cancellations that is still counted in the attendance count.