Is it possible for CiviMail to track embedded URLs? For eg, I've a URL which contains contact id and checksum tokens in it. I need to check how many users have clicked the URL from the email.
URL to track - https://site-name/info?cid1=<contact_id_token>&cs=<contact_checksum>
Currently, the code in CiviMail don't consider such tokenized URL from tracking and don't insert it in civicrm_mailing_trackable_url
There is a similar question on SE - Tracking links that have been added via tokens but it seems to provide different track links for each tokenised URL which is a pain when number of recipients is large in number. Eg 10k contacts would have 10k trackable links and will considerably increase the size of the database.
Our thought now is to cut the URL till a token is reached and consider this for tracking. For eg, if the original URL is https://site-name/info?cid1=<contact_id_token>&cs=<contact_checksum>
, we need to modify the functionality to track only https://site-name/info
and if such url is hit by the user, the click counter should be incremented.
To proceed with the above, we can store the partial link in civicrm_mailing_trackable_url
table and replace the main html URL with the trackable link. Now, when the user hits this url in the mail, the main problem arises as we don't have any data of what should be appended to the partial URL to navigate user the original page.
Is there any another solution possible?