Running into this problem in a form to create an activity with two existing contacts. The form creates the activity successfully, but the UX is marred by angry red error messages. I replicated the problem in a test form with nothing but one existing contact. This test form is accessible at Submitting the test form results in similar error messages as seen with the full fledged form:
- Notice: Undefined index: address in wf_crm_webform_postprocess->saveContactLocation() (line 751 of /home/unidosnow/www/www/sites/all/modules/webform_civicrm/includes/
- Notice: Undefined index: email in wf_crm_webform_postprocess->saveContactLocation() (line 752 of /home/unidosnow/www/www/sites/all/modules/webform_civicrm/includes/
Seems to be wanting address and email (to enable contact creation?), but the only thing checked in the webform's CiviCRM tab is Existing Contact and that's all I need from the contacts in the full fledged form.
I am running CiviCRM 7.x-4.7.29, Drupal 7.58, Webform 7.x-4.16, Webform CiviCRM Integration 7.x-4.20, PHP 5.6.