In the CiviSEPA Setup Instructions there is a section regarding importing SEPA mandates, but instead of an answer there is a question... (similar to the one I am asking.)
I have been checking the database tables and Contribute options and unless I have missed something, there is no way to import the contributions along with the mandates. That is, using the Import contributions option will populate the civicrm_contribution
table, but not the civicrm_contribution_recur
table which stores the details of the recurring transactions.
There is also the question of populating the civicrm_sdd_*
tables which are specific to the CiviSEPA extension.
I don't intend to have all the history of the mandates I want to import, but at least a working mandate list that may be used to generate future mandates.
I suppose that I could create a script to inject the data in the proper tables or through the API, but would like to know if someone has tried something easier or has something to start with.
I have found this question that also mentions SepaMandate
and createfull
: Need to create a SepaMandate for street walkers?