I'm finishing up a migration to CiviCRM from a homegrown Python application I wrote, and without going into too much detail as to the why, I needed to do a bulk update of all the contact name fields in the civicrm_contact table using a spreadsheet dump from the old application.
I wrote a script that loops over the rows in the spreadsheet and runs an update statement on each record in civicrm_contact table using the external_identifier field to match.
This all seems to have run fine, but when I go to the contact in CiviCRM the old values are still there. However, when I click at the top of the contact screen to put the name fields into edit mode, the new values are in the form fields, and when I hit save the new values appear.
Is there some caching going on such that this will fix itself, or does updating the name fields directly as I did have some other implications/consequences I should be aware of? Thanks.