I'm trying to build a drupal view and pull in rm custom data For both contact (client) and case (view for case contact, relationships include case contact id-case id, and case contact id- contact id)
From add fields- all the data sets I need are visible
After selecting fields and clicking add, I'm taken back to the views edit screen without the option to edit the field label etc. And the field does not appear in the field list.
This is not consistent... for example from data set "x" fields, a, b c, d and e are all available to choose. Fields b and d, can be added to the view. Fields a,c and e fail to materialise.
Anyone seen anything like this? Anything else I should be looking at?
(Drupal 7.60, civi 5.3.1)
settings.php file has been updated
The views cache, drupal cache and civicrm cache have been cleared several times
One of the custom field sets in question
Selecting fields to include in view
Only 2 fields out of 7 end up in views table (end columns) Other Details and Project