Wordpress with CiviCRM 5.3.2
Hi guys, I'm struggling with a small problem.
I've added a tab (using tabset) to create a new tab while viewing a contact.
That tab lists any dogs registered to that particular person.
I've added an 'edit' and 'delete' link to the far right of the listing and all of that works. I wrote a quickform that opens when the 'edit' link is clicked. I can update the dog's information, click submit and it does update the entity in the database. The issue is, how do I tell the parent of this edit popup to refresh? The change I've made in the edit is not reflected in the listing until I reload the page manually.
I've read in a lot of places of some ways of doing it but I haven't figured out WHERE to initiate it. In particular there is a CRM.refreshParent and/or the crmPopupFormSuccess. I don't know where I would put these? I used civix to create the basic form, then made modifications to the php file to do a preprocess and postprocess, of which does the update, etc.
So, how and where do I tell the parent page to refresh when I close the popup of the form? Some direction would be appreciated.