I'd like to add a form/profile in a footer or sidebar widget.
I tried the Shortcode Widget plugin recommended in a Jan'18 question and placed the widget in the left column of a footer, but the form doesn't appear. I'm WP 4.9.8 and Civi 4.7.29, and here is the shortcode I put in the widget: [civicrm component="profile" gid="17" mode="create" hijack="0"]. The test shortcode "[shortcode_widget_test]" does work, so it seems to be a Civi-related problem (?).
I also saw a question from 2016 that suggested using an HTML form snippet: "Go to Administer CiviCRM > Profiles, then HTML Form Snippet under 'more' for your chosen snippet. Copy all the code there and paste it into your text widget." but I don't have that option under "more".
Can anyone help? Thx!