Setting up Mosaico. I have created a new template from one of the existing base templates. I save my new template, which now appears as a 'configured template'. I'd like to tweak the code for this new template, but I can't find the template on my server. Mosaico Settings suggests that it might be in [civicrm.files]/mosaico_tpl, but no such directory exists on my server.
1 Answer
The templates are stored in your CiviCRM database in the table civicrm_mosaico_msg_template. They are not saved as actual files. BTW Im assuming you are using the Mosaico extension? If you go to CiviCRM->Mailings->Mosiaco Templates you get full options for tweaking existing templates, copying them and so on. See attached image.
Thanks Tony. I'd assumed this was the likely situation after I posted. I was after adding in two custom fonts, and have now found out how to do that by editing the relevant base template file, as at…– GrahamCommented Jan 2, 2019 at 14:12