So I'm having a weird issue where when trying to create a new mailing or event. The wysiwyg editor does not show up, instead the html editor appears as blank. There are errors in console (404 errors) where the page is trying to load ckeditor/skins/moono/skin.js. However, it is trying to load it from the web root via the Drupal core.(['web_root']core/assets/vendor/ckeditor/skins/moono/skin.js)
This is the same with other assets like the editor.css file.
Naturally these assets do not exist in the Drupal core ck-editor directory. Is there a way to direct these to the Civi resources (that do exist) or fix these error.
I ran into this after fixing the Error name not resolved error with crm.ckeditor.js. I followed the guide steps in this Civi stack exchange here.
This allowed for the crm.ckeditor.js script to be found, but now it cannot find the aforementioned assets. Which previously were not being loaded or called.