I have been trying to get my head around using Civicrm (5.13.1) with wordpress (5.2) to create membership options for our organisation. I'm not sure I understand the process of creating a user account though that is synchronised between wordpress and civicrm. I managed to set up the membership types, payment processor and sucesfully tested that. I tried setting up some plug ins like CiviCRM WordPress Member Sync, Members and Profile Builder but not sure how to set things up. Ideally we would like to set up a member's only forum eventually, but for now we would like users to be able to log in and edit information like adresses, cancel autorenewals and etc...
Is there a tutorial or resource somewhere that shows one how to set up user log in details for wordpress that can be 'registered' as part of a member signing up to a civicrm membership?
Sorry for the vague question, I'm just a bit lost for directions here. thank you so much for the help, best regards, David