Using Civi 5.20.3 Contacts are getting an error (DB error: Already Exists) when filling out a profile form. This is what I saw on the Drupal Watchdog. What does it mean?
$Fatal Error Details = Array ( [callback] => Array ( [0] => CRM_Core_Error [1] => handle ) [code] => -5 [message] => DB Error: already exists [mode] => 16 [debug_info] => UPDATE civicrm_cache SET data = .....
created_date = FROM_UNIXTIME(1581961411), expired_date = FROM_UNIXTIME(1581983012) WHERE group_name = "contact-20fields" AND path = "exportableFields All_0_0_0_" [nativecode=1062 ** Duplicate entry 'contact-20fields-exportableFields All_0_0_0_-2020-02-17 11:43:31' for key 'UI_group_path_date'] [type] => DB_Error [user_info] => UPDATE civicrm_cache SET data