in Mosaico templates the images the images can't be seen. I don't understand why they are uploaded through this link:

GET https://mydomain.com/mosaico/img/?method=placeholder&params=534,200

[HTTP/1.1 401 not found]

I think normally it should be https://mydomain.com/civicrm/mosaico/img/?method=placeholder&params=534,200, but both these url give me "401 not found" and CIVICRM_CLEANURL is enabled.

This is my configuration:

CiviCRM Version: 5.28.0 on Wordpress
Mosaico 2.4.1592820024
Wordpress: 5.5

Thank you for your answers.

2 Answers 2


It turns out this is actually to do with the base page url - it should not have a trailing slash. @massetto knows this I think, because he created the GitHub issue where this is explained so this answer is really for anyone else looking at this later.

From Matt Wire of Veda:

Check your CiviCRM paths/resource URLs and make sure that you are not overriding them if you don't need to.

In CiviCRM make sure that "Wordpress Base Page" is setup as "civicrm" with no "/" - see civicrm/civicrm-core#18332 so this will be fixed in 5.29.

In Wordpress make sure you have a CiviCRM base page (should be at https://yoursite.com/civicrm). Important: Go to Settings -> Permalinks and click "Save Changes".

Now Mosaico images should work and navigating to https://yoursite.com/civicrm/mosaico/img should give a 200 OK and a blank page.

v5.29 is available now, so sounds like upgrading to that should resolve the problem.


This is likely to be a permissions error in your wp-content/uploads/civicrm/ext directory. You can probably resolve this by assigning ownership to www-data.

e.g. if your site is installed at /var/www/html then you can fix this with:

chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/html/wp-content/uploads/civicrm

I've often thought it would be easier if Mosaico stored images in the WordPress image library but presumably this isn't possible with a multi-CMS extension.

  • It doesn't depend on permission. Unfortunately I had not read this Important Notice and the installed version of Wordpress was 5.4. Now I have updated wordpress to 5.5 and the image has this src: https://mydomain.com/mosaico/img/?method=placeholder&params=534,200. I think normally it should be https://mydomain.com/civicrm/mosaico/img/?method=placeholder&params=534,200,but both these url give me "401 not found" and CIVICRM_CLEANURL is enabled.
    – masetto
    Aug 15, 2020 at 14:38
  • Huh, you're totally right. Now I have the same problem...
    – Hugh
    Aug 24, 2020 at 0:36

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