I just noticed an error on a site I maintain. Some custom code uses apiv4 to return a value from a set of custom fields (on individual contacts) and that function now throws an error:
API_Exception: Invalid field 'Employment_History.relationshipID' in Civi\Api4\Query\Api4SelectQuery->getField() (line 474 of /var/www/html/sitename/sites/all/modules/contrib/civicrm/Civi/Api4/Query/Api4SelectQuery.php).
Doing some tests, it seems that sometime between 5.15.1 and 5.27.4 (issue still exists in current version, 5.28.2) apiv4 stopped being able to return custom fields that can have multiple values.
I tested this by creating two sets of fields that are identical other than one being set to allow multiple entries. Only one shows up in the apiv4 explorer.
I'm going to update the working site to isolate the version where the problem started.