I need help with base pages for wordpress.

I am getting a civicrm system error:

CiviCRM relies upon a base page in WordPress, but it is not published.

On the setting page, there is the text:

By default, CiviCRM will generate front-facing pages using the home page at https://idahonativeplants.org/ as its base. If you want to use a different template for CiviCRM pages, set the path here.

The base page is set to the default home page of the site. I do not understand why I get this error, the page most definitely is published.

Wordpress Version 5.5.1 CiviCRM 5.29.1

1 Answer 1


That message is misleading and we'll need to fix that. Using the home page as the base page just won't work. A WP Page needs to be created and set as the base page.

There should be (depending on your version) a System Alert that reads:

CiviCRM relies upon a base page in WordPress at http://example.org/, but it is missing. The default is https://example.org/civicrm, which does exist on this site. You can set the correct base page in the WordPress integration settings.

CiviCRM needs a WP page set as the basepage. This should be set in wp-admin/admin.php?page=CiviCRM&q=civicrm/admin/setting/uf&reset=1 New installs create 'civicrm' as a WP Page and set that as the basepage.

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