I have created a CiviRule that Triggers on "Email address is added" with a linked condition of "Field Value Comparison Email.is_primary = 1"
It is triggering and the action is happening. However, it is happening 2Xs. Which shows an error message to our users.
In API4, if I select Email > get -> Where Contact id = xxx; it shows 2 results. If I select Email > get -> Where Contact id = xxx & ->Where email is primary - yes; it shows 1 result.
The activity that is happening when this triggers is a contribution from a first-time donor. Any ideas why the Link Condition above does not limit my trigger to 1X? Thanks
Here are the screenshots of the Rule setup per request of jitendra
EDIT: I added more information being sent to the logs. I can now see the Email ID # along with the condition value (per suggestion of ErikH). It is not getting the correct condition on "Email is Primary=1". That is showing 1 for both times but the email table has one with 1 and one with 0.
I added to the condition "& Location Type=Home" Now it just processes the rule 1x.