Has anyone tried running civibuild
recently to create a CiviCRM environment under Drupal 9? I have been running it on a Ubuntu 20.4 virtual machine and hit various issues. To build drupal9-clean
I had to copy composer
from a running Drupal 9 instance to buildkit/build/drupal9-clean/vendor
as it was not installed by civibuild
1About 2 months ago I did it for something and it seemed ok. The d9-master.demo.civicrm.org site is built daily using it. I remember there being some issues with composer v2 - not sure if that's been settled. Which version of composer do you have?– DemeritCommented Feb 16, 2021 at 13:09
Thanks - it wasn't composer that was broken, but the composer directory tree. I've just built drupal9-demo, but it needed two passes. Civibuild just seems a bit fragile.– Stephen PalmstromCommented Feb 17, 2021 at 16:19
1 Answer
Edit: As of 8-26-2021 the below command works just fine with current buildkit, it's just not in the civibuild docs yet afaik:
civibuild create d9dev --type drupal9-clean --civi-ver master --url http://d9.localhost
As of today (4-21-2021 env Ubuntu 20.04), I used the command
civibuild create d9dev --type drupal9-clean --civi-ver master --url http://d9.localhost
Which ran into errors because it couldn't find a valid civicrm root (/vendor did not include a civicrm directory at this time). I needed to run the command, then manually:
composer config extra.enable-patching true
composer config minimum-stability dev
composer require civicrm/civicrm-asset-plugin:'~1.1'
composer require civicrm/civicrm-{core,packages,drupal-8}:'~5.35'
Then I ran the same civibuild command again to finish out the build process and get the .sh file with login info etc. I ended up with a working copy of Drupal 9 version 9.0.12-dev and CiviCRM 5.36.0.
Hope that's helpful!