On my Civi WordPress multisite installation, I just discovered that there is a wpLoadPhp setting in the CiviCRM settings for each Civi domain that contains the absolute filesystem path to wp-load.php (for example: /home/myusername/sites/mydomain.org/wp-load.php). So this setting needs to be updated if I move WordPress+Civi to a new location, or move a copy of the Civi database to a development or test installation.

I discovered this setting when the Civi cv CLI tool misbehaved—it tried to load settings from the wrong WordPress installation for a cv api setting.create ... command. (However, using the WP-CLI wp cv api setting.create ... worked correctly. It must override the Civi wpLoadPhp setting.)

What is the correct/best way to update the wpLoadPhp setting—preferably via a script for automation? Is wp cv api setting.create ... best? It seems to work OK: e.g. wp cv api setting.create wpLoadPhp=/home/myusername/sites/mydomain.org/wp-load.php.

1 Answer 1


You can safely ignore this setting unless you're hitting scripts in civicrm/extern or civicrm/bin or using cv directly. In that case I'd recommend switching to routes that go via WordPress e.g. the REST API or wp cv instead - they are much more reliable in WordPress.

  • Thanks Christian. I'll stick with wp cv whenever I can... but I think I can only use cv for api4 right now.
    – Martin_W
    Commented Mar 28, 2021 at 4:46
  • Yes, that's true. API v3 still has greater coverage though. FYI the wpLoadPhp setting was introduced because it is impossible for plugins to know where WordPress is located. So you're right - use wp cv to update wpLoadPhp then you should be able to use cv for API v4. Commented Mar 29, 2021 at 8:56

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