I'm using CiviCRM 4.4.6 in drupal 7.

In my scheduled jobs list, I had 3 scheduled jobs of membership report: report A, report B, and report C. These reports will send out email with different csv attachment.

When I click "Execute now", these 3 reports send email perfectly.

I'm using Elysia Cron to control both drupal and CiviCRM cron, and use external crontab to run cron in my control panel.

CiviCRM cron runs, but it only trigger report A. Both report B and C is missing.

My question is:

Does CiviCRM cron only allow one mail_report scheduled job to be run?

If so, does it mean that I have to put in multiple report IDs (instanceId) in one mail_report scheduled job?

I tested it, and only one instanceId is allowed in one mail_report scheduled job.

Is there any way I can send out multiple email reports when running cron?

  • 2
    When you add a job calling the same API using the Scheduled Job manager, it overwrites the old job. This is for CiviCRM 4.5.1 running on D7. Is there another method to do this?
    – user3516
    Commented Jul 18, 2016 at 19:06

1 Answer 1


You have to create 3 instances of the mail_report scheduled job.

To do that, use Add New Scheduled Job button on the Settings - Scheduled Jobs page (civicrm/admin/job?reset=1)

On the creation page, set API call to Job / mail_report (api.job.mail_report) and define in Command parameters the appropriate instanceId and format options.

enter image description here

  • Fairly sure the OP did that: he says In my scheduled jobs list, I had 3 scheduled jobs of membership report: ...When I click "Execute now", these 3 reports send email perfectly.
    – commonpike
    Commented Mar 6, 2020 at 9:29

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