Anyone able to help me figure a way to enable an individual to edit an organization's information?
I've setup a contribution page that is filled out on behalf of an organization with an attached individual contact form. When the user submits successfully it shows they have a relationship with that company in the "view contact - relationships" portion of civi. The contact shows having a relationship with the ability to "view and update" the related organization. However, when I setup a menu link to a profile edit form and choose the original form filled out by the individual on behalf of the organization I get an error that type is "organization" and it doesn't allow access. I've tried to work with checksums and no luck figuring out the right combo. I've also found problems utilizing the "contact dashboard" because it allows users the ability to view all of the civi backend which is a huge problem.
Any solutions? What information I'm finding is that it is impossible through Joomla to allow a frontend user/individual edit the organization's profile that was originally used to create the membership. Is that correct?